Static Equilibrium and equations

                       Static Equilibrium and equations
                   Hey everyone as promised in the previous blog I am back with fresh content on Static Equilibrium. Now Static and Dynamic Equilibrium are quite closely related so I would recommend you'll to first read my previous article on  Discussing Equilibrium for understanding this topic more easily.

What is meant by Static :
                    The term static equilibrium is constructed of two words static and equilibrium. Over here static does not mean static electricity. In this context what we mean by static is a body at rest / a rigid body. Now the forces actually acting on a stable and rigid body are quite different than those acting on bodies traveling at constant velocities and this is why Static Equilibrium is a concept in physics quite different from the normal / dynamic equilibrium.

Pivot Points & Torques :

                     Torque : Torques can be thought of as a circular momentum which is created around a body as an effect of another force. Torques can be witnessed in many aspects of our daily lives.An example for instance is unable to balance and fall of from a motorcycle while attempting to do a willy. Sometimes while attempting a willy the rider lifts up the front wheel a bit too much causing a resultant force created on the back wheel and a too much rotation is created due to which there is a sudden backward movement and the rider falls of the vehicle. Torque can also be said to be the cross product a force and the distance of the force from a fulcrum. The formula for it can be as follows :-

   Torque and Equilibrium … | Physics classroom, Physics and ...


                       Pivot Points : Pivot point is a specific point on a stable object which is able to rotate. The very point on the rotating body where it is possible to generate torque can be refereed as pivot points. Fulcrum is the point around which the pivot point rotates.

  calculating moments turning force calculations problem solving ...         

Static Equilibrium :       

                  So as stated earlier in this blog Dynamic Equilibrium is the steady state of reversible reaction where the rate of forward and reverse reaction is equal while Static Equilibrium or also sometimes referred as Mechanical  Equilibrium means the reaction has stopped. For static Equilibrium it is more important to understand the equations behind it.

In physics we consider force acting on the upward and downward directions as F[y] . If we take an example of weighing scale which has equal masses on both the sides. m

A teeter totter has a length L = 3.4 m and mass M = 59.0 kg ...

In such  a case mass 1 [m1] and mass 2 [m2] should have equal gravity acting on them.

The force on the pivot point acts opposite to that of gravity and is positive in nature hence balancing is possible,
let this force be F[ force ] n [ neutral ] = Fn

But the thing we don't observe is even the board on which mass is placed experiences gravity,
let this force be Mb

m1 = mass 1
m2 = mass 2
Fn = neutral force
Mb = mass of board
g = gravity
F[y] = Force in upward and downward directions

hence equations will be :-
gravity is acts on all mass , therefore -
m1= m1g ,
m2 = m2g and
Mb = Mbg

All the forces combined will be 0 so that perfect balance is possible !
= Fn - m1g - m2g - Mbg = 0
 F[y] = Fn - m1g - m2g - Mbg

This is he same way a basic Static Equilibrium problem is solved

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